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Dry Feldspar

Dry Feldspar

The process of Quartz, Feldspar, Silica sand and Shop stone mining is often in an open pit quarry. Open-pit minning of above minerals reduces the operation cost for that work at benches cut in mining quarry and ensures safe and long working condition. In the quarry, the processing line often consists of several stages, such as blasting, transportation, crushing and grinding, etc. We are using professional equipments (like hydraulic excavators) for our all mines according to their practical situations and particular requirements. We focus on our feldspar and Quartz processing line which mainly includes the process of crushing and grinding.

Dry Soda Feldspar

Specification Soda Glaze % White Soda % Ivory Soda %
SiO2 71.37 73.98 68.19
Al2O3 17.52 15.2 18.09
Fe2O3 0.02 0.23 0.07
CaO 0.35 0.74 0.11
MgO 0.11 0.26 Trace
LOI 0.62 0.86 0.49
Na2O 8.12 7.82 10.47
K2O 0.94 0.91 0.32
'L' Value 80+ 75+ 65+
'A' Value 0.42 1.46 3+
'B' Value 5.64 4.14 20+

Dry Potash Feldspar

Specification Potash (Grade A) % Potash (Grade B) %
SiO2 68.52 74.85
Al2O3 16.86 15.5
Fe2O3 0.04 0.17
CaO 0.26 1.12
MgO 0.01 0.56
LOI 0.7 0.82
Na2O 10.47 3.61
K2O 0.32 4.78
'L' Value 75+ 55+
'A' Value 1.85 3.87
'B' Value 5.17 8.1

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